Thursday, June 21, 2007

Booka Conquers! Chapter 5

Poppo springs suddenly at Booka sinking his fangs into Booka’s throat. Booka manages to twist out of Poppo’s grasp before his bite sinks into his jugular vein.

With blood coming from his throat,Booka rushes at Poppo and the battle goes back and forth until Poppo manages to get his forearm around Booka’s throat. At that moment Poppo’s knee gives out and he loses balance which enables Booka to rip into Poppo’s throat tearing out his jugular vein and Poppo falls dead.

Booka rises up with blood dripping from his mouth and the wound in his own throat and pounds his chest in victory. The other warriors hesitate, not expecting this upstart, this barely grown entity could overcome Poppo, who had ruled the tribe as long as they could remember and easily crushed anyone foolish enough to challenge his authority.

Booka ,feeling a rush of power, goes to the pig and rips a choice piece from the thigh. The other warriors make a dash for the meat but Booka growls and they stop waiting for their new leader to give them permission.

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