Saturday, June 23, 2007

Booka leads. Chapter 7

Booka sensed that he and his young upstarts would be no match for Poppo’s warriors when they generated their full attack.

Booka's warriors were distressed, feeling that their death was imminent and wanting to leave the pig for Poppo’s warriors and flee back to camp.

Leaving the pig for the former Poppo’s warriors inspired a plan in Booka’s mind. Set a trap for the them. Leave the pig out in the open and when the warriors come upon it , attack them from the rear.

Booka placed the pig in a ravine where Poppo’s warriors would have to go down into it. Booka and his fellow upstarts could attack from a superior position.

Booka hid himself and his frightened comrades in hidden positions. As Poppo’s warriors found the pig and started ripping into it grabbing pieces and eating, Booka and his followers threw rocks down on them until enough were wounded that they were able to charge down into the ravine and finish them off.

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